Time Tracking and System Integration via Zsh


Categories: Laptop Tags: Arch Applications

Time Tracking and System Integration via Zsh

As part of my first day at work this year I thought cleaning up my setup would be a good idea. The first thing I do most days is starting my time tracking tool. Until today I was using some web service that was available some years ago when I was looking for one, somewhat glossy and backed up on some server. Especially that last point was important for me at that time.

But especially the last point turned out to be not important anymore. Luckily, I don’t gather tons of overtime (or negative time) which would be very important to track over a long time. So, the requirement for some kind of web server or direct syncing isn’t up to date for my time tracking anymore - a local application would be sufficient. Additional, I’m backing up my working laptop hourly anyway.


My first choice when looking for a new application is the Arch Wiki. But the listed time trackers weren’t really what I was looking for. Seems like an older list, which also includes entries from a variety of timers in general (e.g. stop watches etc.).

Then I found this linuxlinks.com list of CLI time trackers. Alternatively, the Arch Wiki and linuxlinks.com also lists several GUI trackers, but they are often out dated or bloated in my opinion.

The list consists of five applications:


I chose Watson. Despite the advantages and pros it also has some cons or missing features (from my perspective, of course):

Two requirements were perceived as missing first, but turned out to be available:


With my former solution I had an always open browser tab with visual indication wether or not the tracking was running. Basically, this helped me to remember to turn tracking on and off. Especially with an CLI tool, I was sure I’d need some kind of indicator for Watson as well.

Some web searching later I found a little bash config modification which adds a little green or red symbol in front of the bash prompt when Watson is running or stopped, respectively.

Inspired by that I tried to make this work in Zsh, my shell of choice. Before that I never really tried to modify my Zsh and was glad there’s a nice existing config easily available (I liked the grml one the Arch install ISO uses, see here). So I tried this and that, read examples and man pages here and there, but couldn’t figure out how to alter my prompt. Annoyed and demotivated to continue that path I decided to just escalate that problem by using Zsh plugins or a framework.

While researching for something that might help me I found the Zsh Spaceship prompt, which technically is a theme I think, but offers an own API for extension. To get it into my system I first tried to use the Antibody Zsh plugin manager, but couldn’t get my Zsh to recognize Spaceship as available prompt style/theme. Luckily the Arch AUR has a spaceship-prompt-git package (and an official otf-fira-code package for a font required by Spaceship), which is to favor anyway to keep updating and general package handling in one hand: my system’s package manager.

To activate Spaceship the last line from this snippet was added to my .zshrc. The first three lines are probably present in almost any existing config (according to Arch Wiki’s Simple .zshrc).

autoload -Uz compinit promptinit
prompt spaceship # via AUR package 'spaceship-prompt-git'

(Don’t forget to source ~/.zshrc to reload it.)

At this point I had time tracking via Watson and a fancy Zsh prompt via Spaceship, but both parts weren’t integrated at all, yet. To achieve that I was going to replicate the bash example from above utilizing the Spaceship API, at least that was my plan. While reading about Spaceship’s feature to add custom sections I luckily found this gem: a custom Spaceship section named Watson current working project (please see the linked actual source for newer version). It checks Watson for running tracking and display the name of the project if Watson is currently tracking.

So I created a ~/.zsh_spaceship_watson.zsh file with a copy of the code above, but little modifications to add an indication even if Watson is not running, see:


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Section
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Show watson status
# spaceship_ prefix before section's name is required!
# Otherwise this section won't be loaded.
spaceship_watson() {
  # If SPACESHIP_WATSON_SHOW is false, don't show watson section
  [[ $SPACESHIP_WATSON_SHOW == false ]] && return

  # Check if watson command is available for execution
  spaceship::exists watson || return

  # Use quotes around unassigned local variables to prevent
  # getting replaced by global aliases
  # http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Shell-Grammar.html#Aliasing
  local 'watson_status'
  watson_status=$(watson status | perl -pe 's/(Project | started.*\(.*\))//g')

  # Exit section if variable is empty
  [[ -z $watson_status ]] && return
  # For default "watson is not running" response create red "OFF" section content
  [[ $watson_status =~ 'No project started' ]] && watson_status="OFF" && SPACESHIP_WATSON_COLOR="red" #return

  # Display watson section
  spaceship::section \
    "$SPACESHIP_WATSON_SYMBOL$watson_status" \


In the last step I had to activate this custom section in my ~/.zshrc, see (also includes my general Zsh settings):

# Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
bindkey -e
# End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
# The following lines were added by compinstall
zstyle :compinstall filename '~/.zshrc'

autoload -Uz compinit promptinit
prompt spaceship # via AUR package 'spaceship-prompt-git'
# End of lines added by compinstall

# spaceship section config. comment out to disable.
  time          # Time stamps section
  user          # Username section
  dir           # Current directory section
  host          # Hostname section
  git           # Git section (git_branch + git_status)
  #hg            # Mercurial section (hg_branch  + hg_status)
  package       # Package version
  node          # Node.js section
  #ruby          # Ruby section
  #elixir        # Elixir section
  #xcode         # Xcode section
  #swift         # Swift section
  golang        # Go section
  #php           # PHP section
  #rust          # Rust section
  #haskell       # Haskell Stack section
  #julia         # Julia section
  #docker        # Docker section
  #aws           # Amazon Web Services section
  venv          # virtualenv section
  #conda         # conda virtualenv section
  #pyenv         # Pyenv section
  #dotnet        # .NET section
  #ember         # Ember.js section
  kubecontext   # Kubectl context section
  terraform     # Terraform workspace section
  exec_time     # Execution time
  line_sep      # Line break
  battery       # Battery level and status
  vi_mode       # Vi-mode indicator
  jobs          # Background jobs indicator
  exit_code     # Exit code section
  char          # Prompt character
# time section custom options
# dir section custom options
# custon watson section loaded (already in order above)
source ~/.zsh_spaceship_watson.zsh

# manual loading module - files installed via 'zsh-syntax-highlighting' package
source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh

# golang
export GOPATH="/home/jake/go"
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"

Disadvantages / Cons:

Altogether my prompt and its Watson integration looks like this. First tracking is off, then it’s running and stopped again: